Frequently Asked

Where will Basin3 be located?

Basin3 is circa 18 acres in size and comprises the land to the north of Pier Road sandwiched between the University of Kent (Medway Campus) and University of Greenwich to the south, residential development on St Mary’s Island to the west, existing dock basin to the north and the Waterfront UTC and residential development at Chatham Waters to the east.

Why is this site the first being put forward for development?

We listened to residents and community stakeholders when we consulted last summer (June 22) and a key theme was the need for employment space, this is why this part of the site is the first being put forward.

What will happen to the current tenants located on the site?

All existing businesses have been contacted to discuss relocation opportunities, as Peel wish to work with occupiers to help facilitate relocation to ensure that jobs (and supply chain jobs) can be safeguarded where possible. Investigations have identified suitable land for relocation for all these occupiers.

Why will the commercial port close?

As a legacy naval base, the facility (and particularly the 100-year-old lock gates) require regular and costly maintenance. By 2025, the refurbished gates will need replacing and the cost for replacing the gates in each of the two locks is in excess of £35 million. There is no funding available for this capital investment and the commercial operation of the Port will therefore need to close.

Why is it called Basin3?

Celebrating Medway’s maritime heritage is important to us. The Industrial Estate sits within Basin3 of Chatham’s former Naval Dockyard which closed in 1984.

Basin 3 was originally part of St Mary's Creek before the area was split into three basins by the Royal Navy back in 1854.

Each Basin is now establishing a distinct identity. Basin 1 is a well-used marina and Basin 2 is used for leisure and water sports. Basin3 is currently underutilised and inaccessible to the community to walk/cycle through, meaning Basin3 isn’t connected to the other Basins and wider community. We believe Basin3 has the potential to become a highly sustainable business and enterprise campus which brings new opportunities, jobs and economic growth to the area, as well as attracting and retaining talent within Medway.

Who will be able to work at Basin3?

The space is extremely flexible and would support a range of industries.
Located just 36 minutes from London, the proposed new development could attract TV and Film Studios whilst supporting other jobs in the media and cultural sectors.
The space could be used for manufacturing, research & development, sci-tech innovation or urban logistics.
Smaller workshops will support independent employment and manufacturing, e.g., breweries, coffee roasters and makers

Who operates the water basin?

The industrial estate and the water basin are owned by Peel Waters and the lock gates are operated and maintained under a lease to Peel Ports (the harbour authority). Of the existing businesses on the industrial estate, only five require access to the port facility. In the next few years, the tenant leases will expire and the port will close.

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